Parisian Moments has a new home in a beautiful early 1900s Haussmannian apartment carefully preserved in all its details. We have envisioned and worked very hard toward realizing this moment for MANY years and we’re pinching ourselves that we finally have our dream location! In the 7th arrondissement, just at the edge of Saint Germain, this beautiful space will not only be our home but the international base for Parisian Moments and Georgianna Lane Studio.
We’re still settling in but can give you a taste of some of the highlights.
We just replaced the existing light fixtures with antique chandeliers that we purchased a few days ago – much more fitting for the beautiful space. We may not have bedding and dishes yet, but we do have chandeliers! Priorities, yes?
This is the view from the salon with the wonderful railings and the oh so Parisian building across the street.
Close-up of some of the molded plaster in the ceilings of the salon and dining room. They are a study all on their own.
Even the staircase is a work of art. Looking up!
Looking down!
Our new home and location seems to have really struck a chord. Below is a Reel we posted on Instagram a week or so ago which has gone viral. Combined views on @aparisianmoment and @georgiannalane at time of posting were close to 700,000! With more lovely comments than we could easily respond to (we did though – thank you to all of you for your positive and heartwarming encouragement and feedback).
What does this all mean to the shops and our wonderful customers and followers? Even though we have relocated permanently to Paris, very little will change on shipping and delivery of the items in the shops. We have spent several years setting up our global distribution partners so delivery costs will remain local to your area and delivery times will be as fast as ever.
The new space will enable us to begin to move forward on launching many new book, print and lifestyle products that have been on the drawing board for a long time. All of this is will enable us to bring you more of the beauty, charm and character of Paris, the French countryside and Europe in general. Thank you for your continued interest and support.
We are so happy to have you along with us and will keep you updated on progress. So many people have expressed their desire to see more.
Please leave us a comment on the post. We value the feedback greatly.
We are here to answer any questions or help in any way we can. Just email us.
À bientôt,
Georgianna and David