The Parisian markets have a way of displaying peonies that, at least as far as we have seen, is unique. They carefully stack the peonies in a very structured way, separating the layers so that they form huge walls of the beautiful blooms, without damaging them in any way. Quite a feat of engineering as well as an aesthetic accomplishment!
In this post we’re simply going to show you some photos for you to enjoy. There’s really not a lot to be said about them. They were mostly taken at the Marché Président Wilson and the Marché Bastille but there are other markets which have similar displays (Saxe-Breteuil for example) and some of these images are from them.
We hope you enjoy the photos. As usual, if you can click on a photo, it means it’s available in the shop as a print or canvas. Also as usual, if you see something you would like a print or canvas of but don’t find in the shop, just drop us a line.

As you might expect, the idea is to buy some peonies at the market and take them home with you, The owners of the market stalls will arrange and wrap a bouquet for you.
And if you happen to stop at a café on your way home, you will find all sorts of settings for lovely peony photos.
Of course it’s not only at the markets that you can buy peonies, but the markets display them in such an unforgettable way! Here is a flower shop with a display that spills into the street, as many of them do.
Below are just a few of the prints and canvases we have added to the shop, including discounted sets of four horizontal and four vertical prints and canvases. These can look beautiful in your home. You can browse all the new additions in the Recently Added section of the shop as well as under the heading of Paris Color Prints (General), Paris Canvases (General) and Sets and Collections.
If you love peonies we would like to recommend two resources that you should not miss.
The first is the Château de Sourches – Conservatoire de la Pivoine. You can read all about this wonderful treasure for peony lovers on their website. It’s in French so you can also get a chance to brush up! You can follow them on Instagram @lapivoinedesourches.
The second is the book, Peonies, written by Jane Eastoe with fabulous photographs by Parisian Moments co-founder Georgianna Lane. You can read about this book and how to obtain it on Georgianna’s website and follow her on Instagram @georgiannalane.
Thanks very much for reading our blog post. We would love you to leave a comment, or ask us any questions you may have. We respond promptly.
As already mentioned, there are several images in the post that are available for purchase in the Parisian Moments online shop. If an image is clickable, you can go straight to the listing for that photo. If you would like prints of images that you can’t find in the shop, please write to us with a screen grab of the one you would like and we will get right back to you.
And please share this blog post with your friends.
À bientôt!
Georgianna and David